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Showing posts from 2017

I Division PSPC Marks List [IA-1 Marks]

Click the below link to access Online Quiz Marks (out of 35 points), Assignment Marks (out of 5 points) & IA-1 Marks (out of 20 Marks). The same document shall be used in future to upload IA-2, IA-3, CTA evaluations and CAM (out of 50 Marks). Link to I Division PSPC Marks List  

Using Code::Blocks for writing C Progarms

This semester students have to write C programs using GUI based Code::Blocks IDE, instead of Command-Line based LINUX machine. This decision has been taken to provide a better learning environment to the students. Following PPT provides a brief tutorial on usage of Code::Blocks IDE for working with C Programs: To access the above PPT in a seperate web page and to download it, click here . Smart phone users can also use CppDroid  app available on Google Play Store . This app is a  simple C/C++ IDE, focused on learning programming languages and libraries. Usage of this app for learning C is highly recommended .